Monday, January 13, 2020

Gil Melle Soundtrack - "A Cold Night's Death", 1973

Gil Melle was an interesting musician.   I am familiar with him primarily through his soundtrack work which utilized electronic compositions.  Melle scored the soundtrack for the science fiction film, "The Andromeda Strain " (1971).  This is a very curious composition.  In order to achieve what eventually appeared on screen, Melle created and built many of the synthesizer devices.  Wow.
"A Cold Night's Death"follows along this path but the structure and feel of the music is more in alignment with the characters' disjointed and fractured mental states.  Whereas the "Andromeda Strain" score followed a more structured course, this score is discordant and harrowing.  Checkout "World War III" (1982) and "Kolchak: The Night Stalker"(1974) TV series theme music for more of Melles' electronic compositional treats.

Melles was also very active in the world of jazz composition and recordings.  Look for him on Spotify.

Electronic and Experimental Music