Saturday, April 06, 2013

Spongbob and Patrick Rock Out!

This bizarre box is designed to safely protect an egg enclosed inside.  The box is tossed in the air and allowed to fall to earth.  My son chose the decorations for this egg carrier device for this cub scout group activity.  It is called "Niagra Or Bust" in honor of the misguided (?) adventurers who have taken the plunge over the falls in various containment devices over the years.  Spongebob and Patrick in rocking poses provide egg carrier device decorations.

Thursday, April 04, 2013

Syd's Ghost - Proposed Title

A graphic for a proposed Syd's Ghost tune.  A bit of an injoke as Syd's Ghost is currently a musical duo who don't have a drummer.  If they need percussion of some sort, the two members play a tambourine, maracas or cow bell themselves or employ a drum machine. 

Electronic and Experimental Music