Friday, March 29, 2024

Underground Dwelling Lute Lizards


I was in a weird frame of mind recently and wanted to try out the VideoGPT app to see what outlandish results I could get from using a text to video generating application.  What better topic than the conspiracy theory regarding a hidden race of cave dwelling lizards?  People have been reporting disturbing sightings of bipedal lizards, equal in size or taller than the average man's height.  There also is speculation that these odd beasts inhabit remote caves and otherwise lightly travelled areas.

Going with this knowledge in hand, I hallucinated a scenario where a cave explorer happens upon a race of underground cavern dwelling lizard men that embody a lute playing orchestra.  Very random story kernel, I know, but watch the results and see.  The thing is that these appear to be lizards that are more in favor of strumming mandolins and guitars.  Go figure....AI!

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Electronic and Experimental Music