Friday, February 24, 2017


This is a creepy video.  People have been reporting and recording instances of strange, jarring sounds coming from the sky!  There are many different examples included from around the globe.  What is the source of this noise?  There is a lot of speculation but no definitive answer.  Very weird and unsettling goings on!

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

"Home On The Range" May Be Your First Tune!

Feel like playing your guitar by the campfire or just having a reminder of what that is like?  I spotted these two unique, painted guitars at Guitar Showcase in San Jose, California.   The artwork adorning these guitars features crooning cowboys, bucking broncos, howling dogs, and other western motifs.  I can say that these are very nicely adorned instruments and might be a nice, decorative addition to the collection of the guitar player who has everything but really are not my cup of tea.  Or joe. 

Electronic and Experimental Music