Friday, September 28, 2012


Interesting collection of horror, science fiction, music video and weird video clips:


This one is a little embarrassing. A one note (literally) video with noise attached. Crude effects applied and a manipulated soundtrack that is a gratingly enlongated feedback drone. I guess it represents a time and place. The little uke or guitar is long since gone either broken or sold on ebay.

Saturday, September 08, 2012

My friend, Scott Caldwell

A buddy of mine who I grew up with and saw sporadically over the years after high school, passed away recently.  His name was Scott Caldwell and I miss him very much.  He was the guitarist in the second band I was in and he was phenomenal.  I miss his wit and keen insights which I remember from long ago but which stick with me.  His musical tastes were exquisite although greatly varied and I respected his opinions and taste. After he moved out of state, I wrote him too infrequently.  We still held some small hope of getting a band together over the span of 20 or more years and great distance seperating us but I think I held that dream as a remote but still possible occurrence that was always a place of calm and reassurance in my soul, I guess.  Well, now he is really gone and his talent and energy no more but I feel like he is a point of inspiration and I want to continue on and keep his memory alive.  This is a song that I love very much and I think reflects somewhat how I feel toward him and I dedicate it to my brother Scott Caldwell's memory: The Kinks' "Around The Dial".

Electronic and Experimental Music